Tuesday, April 1, 2008

All moved in....

I know that I am way overdue for a blog update so here goes nothing:-) Besides If I don't do one my friend Rachael will scalp me:-)

I moved recently into a nice 4plex in town. I'm finally getting used to all the new noises that come along with a new place although I don't know why they sound louder at night? I really like the location, 5 minuets to work and 2 to the gym. My neighbor visited me with a plate of cookies (I liked her instantly). Seems she likes going to to to the gym so I have a work out buddy. 5:30AM and we are off like sleepy rockets...uguggugugu... Its early but nice to have it out of the way.

I recently joined a group called FLIP. FLIP stands for Florence Ladies Investment Program. I am looking into joining the Soroptimist group. I have been living in Florence for 2 years now and have yet to give back to the community so I'm due.

Evening activity, I am attempting to sew a king size quilt. I believe in starting BIG..hehheehhehe I may never finish it but it is keeping me busy and entertained for now....

BIG trip coming up, ITALY....Getting very excited about that. My girlfriend Robbie and I fly out on the 13th of May...More about that later and pictures I promise...

Landon, my grandson turns 2 April 21st.....I'll post pictures

That is about it for now. Work, home, grandbaby, working out. Hope to start golfing soon and waiting for May 13th to get here......

All in all things are going fine. Taking time to work on me and my place on the planet.


Jen said...

You are a busy girl!! Good for you for doing the workout thing. 5:00am is not fun! But at least it's over and done with. Please call or stop by anytime. I miss you! You were like my replacement mommy! (Since mine went a-wall) And I sooooo miss your dinners. Have tons of fun if I don't get to see you before your trip!

Rach said...

Yeah what Jen said...I kind of feel like your my "new mommy" too! I'm sure that's just what you want are a bunch of screwed up kids that aren't yours! HAHAHA. It's soo good to read new blogs. I can't believe you've been waking up that early to work out. My alarm goes off at 6 and I laugh and go back to bed!
Anyway, I don't know when we will be back in town...But when we do we TOTALLY have to get together!